
Commercial Press, Editorial Dept. (Paoshan Road), where the Chinese machine-gunners dominated the Japanese positions at Hengpang Road and Tientungan railway station. 商業新聞、編集部(宝山路)、中国の機関銃部隊がヘンペン通りとティエンチュンガン駅の日本軍の陣地を占拠した。

Photographer unknown 作家不詳

Collection of
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum
Series title
(Photographs of China)
Commercial Press, Editorial Dept. (Paoshan Road), where the Chinese machine-gunners dominated the Japanese positions at Hengpang Road and Tientungan railway station.
Original title
Commercial Press, Editorial Dept. (Paoshan Road), where the Chinese machine-gunners dominated the Japanese positions at Hengpang Road and Tientungan railway station.
Artist Name
Photographer unknown
Accession number
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum “Search the Collection”

Other items of Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (36008)