Technical Data
Version: 1.0
Release date: 03/30/2021
With the Tokyo Museum Collection (ToMuCo), we are building an integrated database of materials in the collections of the Tokyo metropolitan museums. ToMuCo provides, as open data, the metadata on on all works in the collections. The following explains how to use those data.
For an overview of this site and the terms of use, see the following pages:
How to acquire the data
The following two methods may be used to acquire data with ToMoCo:
1. Click the “metadata download” button on the page giving the details about a work in the collections. You will be able to download the open data on each work from its separate page, in the JSON format.
2. With the search API
It returns the results of a search refined using the search terms you specified. Send a GET request giving the search conditions as parameters. The response will be JSON-format data.
API Path
Parameters Parameter Explanation keyword A keyword search term artist_name The name of the artist genre The genre or category of a work medium The materials or techniques museums Using the facility code table, specify the museum owning the work. Values will be send in order production_year_from Specify the year a work was produced. The search will include all works from that year on. production_year_to Specify the year a work was produced. The search will include all works before that year. limit Specify the number of items you wish to retrieve. You may specify from 0 to 1000. The initial setting is 100. offset Specify the number of items retrieved to be skipped. output Specify “json.” Sample query (Searching for prints in the Edo-Tokyo Museum collection produced from 1900 on):[]=edo-tokyo-museum&output=json
Types of Codes
In ToMuCo, the museum code can be set or referenced in the data. It can also be used in search queries.
Code | Label (Japanese) | Label (English) | IRI |
edo-tokyo-museum | 江戸東京博物館 | | |
topmuseum | 東京都写真美術館 | | |
mot-art-museum | 東京都現代美術館 | | |
tatemonoen | 江戸東京たてもの園 | | |
tobikan | 東京都美術館 | | |
teien-art-museum | 庭園美術館 | |
Data Format
ToMuCo returns the data, in JSON format, in the standard categories defined by ToMuCo.
ToMuCo Standard Categories
The ToMuCo standard categories refer to data categories that are standardized to permit sharing data among the museums. Table 1 gives the original data categories used by each museum and the ToMuCo standard categories.
・We are not able to guarantee that all the values as specified here will be in uniform in data acquired from ToMuCo. If the value in question is missing, a null character string will appear.
Table 1: ToMuCo standard categories and the corresponding original data categories used by each museum
ToMuCo共通項目 | 江戸東京博物館 | 東京都写真美術館 | 東京都現代美術館 | 江戸東京たてもの園 | 東京都美術館 | 庭園美術館 |
ID | 資料番号 | 作品番号/Art number | 収蔵作品番号 | 資料番号 | 作品番号 | 収蔵品No. |
作品名 | 資料名 | 作品名(和)/Title in Japanese | 作品名 | 建造物名 | 作品名 | 作品名 |
作品名(en) | 資料名(英) | 作品名(英)/Title in English | 作品名英文 | Name | 作品名(英題) | Title |
大分類名 | 一分類 | 区分/Category | 作品分類 | 中分類 | 大分類 | |
中分類名 | 二分類 | |||||
制作年 | 西暦年月日 | 制作年/Date | 制作年 | 制作年(建築年) | 制作年(西暦) | 制作年 |
所蔵館 | 所蔵館 | |||||
サイズ(高さ) | 寸法_高さ | サイズ(高さ、縦) | 寸法(高さ、縦)cm | |||
サイズ(幅) | 寸法_横 | サイズ(横、幅) | 寸法(幅、横)cm | |||
サイズ(奥行) | 寸法_縦 | サイズ(奥行) | 寸法(奥行き)cm | |||
寸法(公開用) | 寸法/Size(和) | 寸法 | ||||
収集方法 | 収集方法 | 受入方法 | 収集の方法 | |||
作者名 | 作者名 | 作家名 | 作家名 | 作者名 | ||
作者名(en) | 作者名(英) | 作家名英文 | 作家名(英語表記) | Artist name | ||
材質・技法 | 技法/Technique(和) | 材質・技法 | 材質・技法 | 素材・技法 | ||
材質・技法(en) | 材質・技法(英文) | 材質・技法(英文) | ||||
生没年 | 生没年 | 生没年 | ||||
解説 | 解説 | 解説(和) | 解説 |
Response Data
The ToMuCo standard categories are returned in JSON-LD format. For the data model, see the CreativeWork. A number of classes become nested structures. The properties and values of each class are listed below.
* JSON-LD is the JSON term for “Linked Data.” For details, see the W3C document.
* On, data models have been established for a variety of concepts.

Property | Value | ToMuCo Standard Category |
schema:identifier | schema:PropertyValue Array | |
schema:genre | skos:Concept Array (Refer to the Category code) | Broad category, subcategory |
schema:name | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Name of work (Ja), name of work (En) |
schema:creator | schema:Person Array | |
schema:size | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Size (height), size (width), size (depth), dimensions |
schema:dateCreated | 4 digit number | Date produced |
schema:material | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Material, technique (Ja), Material, technique (En) |
schema:isPartOf | schema:Collection Array | |
dct:provenance | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | How acquired |
schema:description | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Description |
Property | Value | ToMuCo Standard Category |
schema:value | literal (identifier within the ID system) | ID(accession number) |
schema:name | literal (label indicating the ID system) |
Property | Value | ToMuCo Standard Category |
schema:name | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Name of artist (Ja), name of artist (En) |
schema:birthDate | xsd:date | Birth and death (year of birth) |
schema:deathDate | xsd:date | Birth and death (year of death) |
Property | Value | ToMuCo Standard Category |
schema:maintainer | schema:Organization Array | |
schema:name | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Museum |
Property | Value | ToMuCo Standard Category |
schema:name | literal array (Language specified with language tag) | Museum |
Data Examples:
"@context": {
"dct": "",
"schema": "",
"xsd": "",
"rdf": "",
"rdfs": ""
"@type": "schema:CreativeWork",
"@id": "",
"schema:identifier": [
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"schema:name": "ToMuCo ID",
"schema:value": "6231143"
"@type": "PropertyValue",
"schema:name": "accession number",
"schema:value": "1975-00-0539-000"
"schema:genre": [
"@id": "絵画",
"skos:prefLabel": [
"@value": "絵画",
"@lang": "ja"
"schema:name": [
"@value": "忙中閑",
"@lang": "ja"
"@value": "A Rest During a Busy Day",
"@lang": "en"
"schema:creator": [
"@type": "schema:Person",
"schema:name": [
"@value": "山本 日子士良",
"@lang": "ja"
"@value": "YAMAMOTO Hikoshiro",
"@lang": "en"
"schema:birthDate": [
"@type": "xsd:date",
"@value": "1907-06-24"
"schema:deathDate": [
"@type": "xsd:date",
"@value": "1946-01-19"
"schema:size": "145.5(高さ、縦)×112.1(幅、横) cm",
"schema:dateCreated": "1967",
"schema:material": [
"@value": "油彩/カンヴァス",
"@lang": "ja"
"@value": "Oil on canvas",
"@lang": "en"
"schema:isPartOf": [
"@type": "schema:Collection",
"schema:maintainer": [
"@type": "schema:Organization",
"schema:name": [
"@value": "東京都現代美術館",
"@lang": "ja"
"@value": "Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo",
"@lang": "en"
"@type": "schema:Collection",
"schema:name": [
"@value": "コレクション名",
"@lang": "ja"
"@value": "Collection Name",
"@lang": "en"
"dct:provenance": [
"@value": "寄贈",
"@lang": "ja"