Circular Bulletin of Tonarigumi (Neighborhood Association) in Minatochō, Kyōbashiku: Ward Council General Election, Hoping to All the Residents of the 14 Wards Outside Kōjimachiku 隣組回覧板(京橋区湊町) 区会議員総選挙 麹町区外十四区々民各位に望む
- Collection of
- Edo-Tokyo Museum
- Title
- Circular Bulletin of Tonarigumi (Neighborhood Association) in Minatochō, Kyōbashiku: Ward Council General Election, Hoping to All the Residents of the 14 Wards Outside Kōjimachiku
- Collection ID
- 92001368
- Category
- Document
- Creation Date
- 1942 20世紀
- Size
- 21.7 cm x 30.1 cm
- Edo-Tokyo Museum Digital Archives
- https://www.edohakuarchives.jp/detail-139988.html
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