九月二三日両日京阪沿線寝屋川運動場に開かれたる神商主催の全国中学校陸場競技会に於ける優勝旗の返環式とハードル(No 11)

September 2nd and 3rd: The National Junior High School Athletics Meet Was Held on Both Days at the Neyagawa Sports Ground near the Keihan Railway Line, Hosted by Kobe Commercial High School; Ceremony of Returning the Championship Banner and Hurdles for Track and Field (No. 11) 九月二三日両日京阪沿線寝屋川運動場に開かれたる神商主催の全国中学校陸場競技会に於ける優勝旗の返環式とハードル(No 11)

Collection of
Edo-Tokyo Museum
September 2nd and 3rd: The National Junior High School Athletics Meet Was Held on Both Days at the Neyagawa Sports Ground near the Keihan Railway Line, Hosted by Kobe Commercial High School; Ceremony of Returning the Championship Banner and Hurdles for Track and Field (No. 11)
Collection ID
Printed Material
Creation Date
1922 20世紀 
Kitagawa Chikashi Collection
Edo-Tokyo Museum Digital Archives

Other items of Edo-Tokyo Museum (82235)