Raging Rainstorm on July 26th, 1911: Severe Devastation of the Crushed Buildings at the Susaki Licensed Quarters, Causing Causalities 明治四十四年七月廿六日大暴風雨洲崎娼楼倒潰粉砕死傷者ヲ出セル大惨状
- Collection of
- Edo-Tokyo Museum
- Title
- Raging Rainstorm on July 26th, 1911: Severe Devastation of the Crushed Buildings at the Susaki Licensed Quarters, Causing Causalities
- Collection ID
- 88131190
- Category
- Printed Material
- Creation Date
- 1911 20世紀
- Materials/Collection
- Kitagawa Chikashi Collection
- Edo-Tokyo Museum Digital Archives
- https://www.edohakuarchives.jp/detail-111051.html
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